Need warmth and comfort? What better idea than dining in Parisian restaurants, around a fireplace?


The temperatures are dropping, the weather is cooling down, and we delight in dreaming of places to seek refuge by the fireside. But what are these restaurants where you can indulge in a comforting meal around a cozy fireplace? Join us in discovering these dreamy spots to dine by the fire this winter in Paris. They’re 100% cozy restaurants, with the gentle sound of crackling fire in the background.

The restaurants to dine around a fireplace in Paris:

L’Atelier Maître Albert

A warm atmosphere, a relaxed vibe… That’s all we need this winter. In Paris, Atelier Maître Albert with Guy Savoy invites you to spend cold evenings by the fire. In a fully renovated house dating back to 1400, taste the authenticity of the rotisserie. It’s a restaurant where people love to dine, nestled around a fireplace.

Atelier Maître Albert – 1 Rue Maître Albert, 75005 Paris


Among the restaurants to dine around a lovely fireplace: the splendid Maison Revka.

Among the most prestigious addresses of the Paris Society Group, how could we not mention Maison Revka? If you enjoy dining there, the address in the 16th arrondissement also invites you to brunch by the fireside. In a chic setting, comfortably seated near the fireplace, warm up with ricotta-honey pancakes, caviar croque-monsieur, or Norwegian blinis with eggs. (Every weekend from 12 pm to 4 pm). Undoubtedly, the most elegant place to seek refuge this winter.

Maison Revka, 59 avenue Raymond Poincaré, Paris 16e


Winter restaurants by the fireplace: L’Hôtel Providence

Nestled behind the historic theaters of Porte Saint-Martin, the restaurant at Hôtel Providence fulfills your desires year-round. When the days are cooler, one enjoys dining in its velvets, taking advantage of its fireplace nook and piano bar. A dreamy atmosphere to savor great classics of French cuisine and homemade creations, crafted over a wood fire by the Chef and her team.

Hôtel Providence. 90, rue René Boulanger, 75010 Paris


Le Coupe-Chou

The Coupe-Chou restaurant came to life in Paris in 1962. In the 5th arrondissement, where remnants of the old medieval city remain, treat yourself to a comforting meal by the fireside. At the heart of this historic restaurant with an elegant setting, discover authentic French traditional cuisine, entirely homemade. The added bonus? Dining in the restaurant room adorned with a splendid antique fireplace.

Restaurant Le Coupe-Chou, 11 rue de Lanneau, 75005 Paris


Bon Appétit