Paris, the City of Light, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or visiting Paris for the first time, it’s always helpful to know some basic French phrases to ease your stay and impress the locals. Here’s a list of essential phrases to know when visiting Paris.

Greetings and Politeness

Bonjour – The simplest way to say hello to someone, whether it’s morning or afternoon.
Bonsoir – Used to say hello in the late afternoon or evening.
Bon appétit – A common expression used before starting to eat in a restaurant or at home.
S’il vous plaît – To politely ask for something.
Merci – To say thank you.
Excusez-moi / Pardon – Used to apologize or get someone’s attention.
Au revoir – The way to say goodbye to someone.

Getting Around the City

Où se trouve le métro ? – If you need to find the nearest metro station.
Combien coûte un ticket de métro ? – Useful for purchasing metro tickets.
Je voudrais un ticket pour… – Used to request a ticket to a specific destination.
A quelle heure est le prochain bus ? – If you prefer to take the bus.
Je cherche  un taxi– Useful for hailing a taxi.
Est-ce loin d’ici ? – A common question to ask about the distance to your destination.

Shopping and Restaurants

Combien ça coûte ? – To ask about the price of an item.
Je voudrais acheter ceci – Used when you want to purchase an item.
L’addition s’il vous plaît – To use at a restaurant to request the bill.
Je suis allergique à… – Important if you have food allergies.
Où sont les toilettes ? – To find public restrooms.

Asking for Help

Pouvez-vous m’aider ? – To ask for assistance from a passerby.
Je suis perdu – Useful if you get lost in the city.
Parlez-vous anglais ? – In case you need to find someone who speaks English.
Je ne parle pas bien le Français – To explain that you don’t speak French fluently.

Expressing Appreciation

C’est magnifique – To admire architecture or a view.
J’aime beaucoup ceci – To express your affection for something.
C’est délicieux – When you enjoy the food.

Negotiating and Asking for Discounts

Pouvez-vous baisser le prix ? – If you’re at a market and want to negotiate the price.
Y a-t-il une réduction pour les enfants/étudiants ? – Useful for asking about discounts in museums or attractions.

Emergencies and Health

J’ai besoin d’aide médicale – In case of a medical emergency.
Où se trouve l’hôpital ? – If you need to locate a hospital.


By learning these basic French phrases, you will feel more comfortable and confident during your visit to Paris. Parisians generally appreciate visitors’ efforts to speak their language, even if you only know a few words. So don’t hesitate to practice these expressions and explore the beautiful city of Paris with peace of mind. Enjoy your stay in the City of Light !