This year, we celebrate Epiphany on Saturday, January 6, 2024. After indulging during the holidays, will there be a little room left for the famous galette? This time, do you want to get involved in making your galette instead of buying a ready-made one? Cyril Lignac shares his recipe for the Galette des Rois with Frangipane.

Yes, following his foolproof Yule Log recipe, Cyril Lignac is sharing his recipe for an ultra-crispy and delicious galette! (No Espelette pepper, sorry!) And psst: in Paris, our dear Cyril also offers you the chance to taste his incredible hot chocolate. Undoubtedly, one of the best in the capital!

Cyril Lignac’s Frangipane Galette des Rois Recipe:

For 4 people:

Ingredients for the pastry cream:

2 eggs

50g sugar

30g flour

25 cl milk

1 vanilla pod

Ingredients for the almond cream:

3 egg yolks

125g almond powder

100g powdered sugar

125g softened unsalted butter

For the Frangipane:

The mixture of the pastry cream + almond cream + 1 cap of rum

2 rolls of pure butter puff pastry

2 egg yolks for brushing

Preparation of the Galette des Rois

Prepare the pastry cream. Whisk the eggs with the sugar until the mixture whitens.

Add the flour, mix.

Split the vanilla pod in half. Scrape out the seeds and add them with the milk into a saucepan.

Thicken over low heat. Cover with cling film and let cool for an hour.

Prepare the almond cream: mix the softened butter and sugar until the mixture whitens. Add the egg yolks one by one, then the almond powder.

Mix the pastry cream with the almond cream, adding a cap of rum, then pour the mixture into a pastry bag.

Spread a first layer with the pastry bag from the center in a spiral, then stop 2cm from the edge.

Insert your fève (a small trinket traditionally hidden in the cake) into the cream, then brush the edge of the dough with your egg yolk.

Place the second pastry on top, sealing the edges well. Brush the top of the galette with the egg yolk. Then, draw lines with a knife.

Place the galette in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Preheat your oven to 200°C (392°F), place the galette in the oven for 10 minutes then lower the temperature to 180°C (356°F). Continue baking for approximately 30 minutes.

Bon Appétit !